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Dementia Blood Test Trial To Involve Thousands

Dementia blood test trial to involve thousands

Trials to see if blood tests can help identify dementia at an early stage are to be carried out in memory clinics across the UK.

The research is being led by teams at University College London and Dementias Platform UK, based at the University of Oxford.

The hope is that the tests will help to identify people who are at risk of developing dementia, so that they can get early treatment and support.

The trial will involve thousands of people who are at risk of developing dementia, or who have mild cognitive impairment.

The participants will have a blood test and will be followed up for several years to see if they develop dementia.

The researchers will also look at whether the blood test can help to predict the type of dementia that a person is likely to develop.

If the trial is successful, the blood test could be used to help diagnose dementia at an early stage, which could lead to better outcomes for patients.


This research has the potential to revolutionize the way that we diagnose and treat dementia. By identifying people who are at risk of developing the condition, we can help them to get early treatment and support, which could make a real difference to their quality of life.
